How to Prevent Armpit Chafing While Running December 10, 2022 Running is one of the most recommended and effective cardiovascular exercises ideal for people across age groups. However, to enjoy running and make it a consistent part of your lifestyle,...
Tips to Treat and Prevent Runner's Rash October 25, 2022 Runner’s rash is a very common problem caused by the repetitive rubbing of skin during running. The continuous friction and rubbing often lead to chafing. The rashes usually appear as red...
Expert Blog : Ways to Cope with Sports Injuries & Depression July 23, 2022 It is no secret that athletes and injuries go hand in hand. Even in their fittest forms, runners are vulnerable to tender ruptures, ligament tears, and muscle sprains, taking them...
Tips to Select the Right Footwear for Different Activities July 06, 2022 The adverse effects of wearing footwear unsuitable for a particular activity should not be understated. It can wreck irreversible damage on your joints and cause chronic pain and inflammation. The...
Expert Blog: Importance of Stretching in Cramps & Injury Prevention March 08, 2022 Why is stretching important ? Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the...
Running Blisters: How to Prevent & Stay Blister-Free When You Run October 10, 2021 Foot blisters are the most common foot injury in sport and it still remains poorly understood by many. The high incidence from this seemingly benign injury continues to grow at...
Running During Monsoons: Dos & Dont's September 06, 2021 Running in light to moderate rainfall is quite safe, and some may even find it therapeutic to hit the road while it’s raining but, for many it can be quite...
Cycling During Monsoon: Tips & Precautions July 14, 2021 Rain or shine, cycling can still be an enjoyable sport if the right precautions and care routine is adhered to. While weather plays a huge role in how you cycle...
10 Best Morning Exercises to do at Home January 30, 2021 Morning workouts at home are becoming more and more of a frequent choice for those looking to stay healthy (and sane). Sans stepping out of your front door, thanks to at-home exercises...
What is Runner’s Rash? December 14, 2020 Chafing is a common skin irritation problem that is usually caused by repetitive friction, mainly generated through skin-to-skin or clothing-to-skin contact. This irksome skin issue can occur due to a...
Cycling & Saddle Sores - 7 Key Facts you need to know! December 05, 2020 Whether you take up cycling for health reasons or to be environmentally friendly, it can be one of the best decisions you will make in your life. However, cycling regularly...
Tips for Outdoor Walks during the Pandemic Scare September 24, 2020 The covid-19 pandemic has changed the way we look at life. Along with the much-needed awareness which is collectively exhibited towards the adverse effects of this virus, it has changed...